Saturday, November 5, 2011

Latest Painting: By The Sea

18 x 24 acrylic on gallery wrap canvas

This was an exciting painting for me - I had an opportunity to showcase New Brunswick. St Andrews is a beautiful coastal town with colorful and interesting shops and restaurants. I was having lunch with my daughter and husband on the patio of a restaurant with this wonderful view.

I made a few changes: replaced the foreground with more interesting rock shapes and replaced the newly installed windows.

The painting sold at St. David's Men's Art Show and Sale in October 2011.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Waddell Mill - New painting WIP

The underpainting is done in acrylic. I haven't decided if I want to continue in acrylic or use the w/s oils. My vision is to show this building, not as it is, but in a poorer state of repair to add character. But as always, I am keen to do show the beautiful reflections in the water.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fuller Falls - SOLD

Fuller Falls was sold last weekend at the RNS Art Show and Sale - one of these bitter sweet moments as I realized that it would look nice in my house as well. I wonder how many artists tend to paint art that they would like to own themselves. Likely most.

Yes, that is my smiling mug there - even before I found out the painting had sold.

Now on to the next painting...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Hammond River Plein Air April 25

I spent a lovely few hours this morning at Hammond River painting plein air. I hadn't expected all the company but the fishermen made great additions to the study. I will have to work out a suitable composition. Other than standing in muck, it was a great spot.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Meenans Cove Scene - Self-critique stage changes

So, according to Johannes Vloothuis,  it is better not to include all the grasses in the front, and after removing most of them, I agree in this case.

Still working on the boats, structurally they are not working yet.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Meenans Cove Scene - Self-critique stage

I am on to the critique stage -
looking for those nasty clones,
unmelodic lines,
overuse of value 8, balance, line, unabstract shapes...

I purchased Margaret Kessler's book "Painting Better Landscapes" and she provides great tips on what to look for. definately one of my favorite books.

I have left the details on the boats for last - not as happy about the shapes yet.

But I am close to finishing this one!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fuller Falls - Complete

Last year Bruce, Liz and I took a day trip to the Fundy trail. Gorgeous day. Liz showed us Fuller Falls - quite a lovely site and worth seeing at different times of the season. It was a bit of a hike down - the falls travelled down over quite the terrain and we were rewarded with a sunny walk on the beach at the bottom.

This painting may not demonstrate the height in this section. I recommend the trip to everyone.

18 x 24 Oil on canvas

Meenans Cove Scene - latest work in progress

We have a beautiful cove nearby with a boat launch and park. This morning it was quiet and the water still. I am trying to capture that lovely serenity. Below are the various stages of progress. 

I had included a third smaller boat originally but felt it added nothing to the scene.

I had a eurika moment while painting last night. I added the sunlit field in the distance, creating another plane. It looked great but suddenly showed how cold the foreground had become.  So I warmed the earth along the shore, using burnt sienna and added yellow ochre and cad orange in the foreground grasses. I need to do some more work on the foreground by bring some more grasses into the water area and replacing the tips that I lost when changing the earth color.  I hope to create some reflected lightand and a bit more interesting detail on the boats. Then finally add a bit of lost and found edges on the tree.

Comments welcome.

Kingston Stream Completed

Kingston Stream
12" x 12" oil on gallery wrap canvas
Available for sale

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Kingston Stream - WIP

12 x 12 Oil on gallery wrap canvas.

I have done a bit more work on this painting -trying for a fresh look and enjoying working on the square format canvas. I hope to complete this tonight.

This will be on display Saturday at the East branch library-Saint John for the month of March.
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Monday, February 21, 2011

Foul Fiddler - Leave the paint alone!

I confess - I suffer from fiddling with my paint and brush when I should learn to LEAVE IT ALONE. My apologies for yelling at myself.

Has anyone any advice? How to break this bad habit?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tips for Painting Water and Reflections

Tips for Painting Water and Reflections

Lori McNee is an exceptional artist. For helpful advice on painting water and reflection, take a look at this article by Lori. And take your time browsing her site - lots of interesting tips for artists.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My head just exploded - So much to learn

Huddled in a corner - back to the world, hides a wee man scribbling. He peeks over his shoulder every few moments to confirm that no-one can view his work in progress. He is an artiste.

Across the room, in the midst of pens, papers, brushes, flying colors, ink blots and surrounded by upraised, eager faces, stands another man - strong and self-assured. He gestures widely, pointing, open hands, speaking clearly to those who listen. He is a lover of life and art.

I have been fortunate to meet two such men recently- these sharing souls who are not so threatened that they are willing to pass on their knowlege and hard-earned secrets to their students. Yes - they will be reimbursed, but deservedly so, as they have opened our eyes and expanded our knowledge far beyond what we can gain from reading.

I understand this is all useless - unless we are willing to see and to practice - that is our part in the journey.  And what a trip!

Thank you Andrew Giffin (New Brunswick Artist) and Johannes Vloothuis (Artist and sponsored by F & W Media and Wetcanvas)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Bay of Fundy Shore - Work in Progress

This painting started as a 90 minute challenge but I loved the concept so continued in acrylic. By accident, I had switched to oils (which is fine) and I am pleased with the progress so far. I still have more work to do but wanted to share this with you.