Monday, April 25, 2011

Hammond River Plein Air April 25

I spent a lovely few hours this morning at Hammond River painting plein air. I hadn't expected all the company but the fishermen made great additions to the study. I will have to work out a suitable composition. Other than standing in muck, it was a great spot.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Meenans Cove Scene - Self-critique stage changes

So, according to Johannes Vloothuis,  it is better not to include all the grasses in the front, and after removing most of them, I agree in this case.

Still working on the boats, structurally they are not working yet.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Meenans Cove Scene - Self-critique stage

I am on to the critique stage -
looking for those nasty clones,
unmelodic lines,
overuse of value 8, balance, line, unabstract shapes...

I purchased Margaret Kessler's book "Painting Better Landscapes" and she provides great tips on what to look for. definately one of my favorite books.

I have left the details on the boats for last - not as happy about the shapes yet.

But I am close to finishing this one!