Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sunlight and Shadows - SOLD

Sunlight and Shadows sold at the RNS sale last weekend. And I was thrilled that someone whose art I respect purchased it.

There was a lot of art at the show and we found that no matter how many times we walked around, we would find new pieces that we didn't remember seeing before. Lots of choices for the buyers from large, bright, colorful cityscapes to wee tightly painted landscapes.

The unfortunate aspect of a show held in the RNS gym is that there are a few spaces that are not as well lit. One of the buyers was using a flashlight to view the colors on a painting.

But the organizers do a splendid job of arranging the artwork and providing a opportunity to show artwork locally.

1 comment:

  1. Dale-
    Love your artwork!! You work with landscape and great seascapes!!
    GOOD JOB!!!

    Jim Smith
